Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Mr. Fun was showing me how to work a camera that's new to me. He's actually owned the camera for several years. So we were sitting at the dining room table and he needed to capture several photos so he could show me how to download them to my computer. So I became the focus.

This has been a casual, do-nothing, leisure Saturday and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. Mr. Fun has lost 10 pounds the past several weeks and I think I have lost a few as well. Today Mr. Fun went to see his Jenny Criag counselor to weight-in and he had lost 4.8 pounds since last week. So the was a high point this afternoon.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. We continue to stay in touch with our friend Randy who lost his wife to brain cancer on September 13. Last night he posted this on Stephanie's Memorial Page in FaceBook:
"Ok, Ok, I give up God, first Stephanie, then her aunt, and now Esteban's uncle all die within a 4-week period of time. If you have a plan I would really like to know what it is as this method of giving it to me is killing me -- little sleep, not eating well at all, going through the motions at work. Sitting in an empty house at night wondering why and not having anyone to talk to or vent-on. I am only glad it's me and not my beloved, as this would almost be worse than dying of a brain tumor. I think what I am getting from all of this is WHY????"

Later after several friends had commented on his post and said they were praying for him, Randy added this comment:

"Thinking about me is fine, praying is great. However human contact with a bunch of 14 year olds most-of-the-day does not cut it. Teachers spend 7 hours mostly in classes without talking to other adults much. We eat by ourselves as there really is no lunch room at school and we do not get much social time at all unless it's at a staff meeting, and then I feel, well I know, that they all are pretty much afraid to chat with me for fear of saying something that will get me upset. Prefer to be talked with and visited with, typing on here is not my way of feeling like I am with friends. And this is the big part, Stephie and I had very few friends and now that she is not here, I do not hear from any of them."

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