Consumable electronics

A couple of weeks ago, I bought a new printer, An HP Envy 5020 (would recommend). It was forty-nine, fifty quid, maybe. As I was paying for it, the conscientious checkout operative asked whether I would like to take out insurance on the printer. I felt faintly incredulous. What was the point? It wasn't likely to go wrong - or they wouldn't offer insurance at twelve pounds - and if it did, well I'd just buy a new one. 

Today, I was working from the Minx's house and, at lunchtime, we made a trip to the tip. As it happened, she had an old printer to dispose of and while she was doing the cardboard and general waste, I carried the printer over to the container that is the electronic item graveyard. 

You know, it wasn't that long ago that pretty much every item in the picture was packaged up, brand new, and on a shelf or website, waiting to be purchased. But nothing gets repaired anymore; for the most part we throw things away and buy a new one, whatever it is. We all know that, don't we?

Anyway, it left me feeling a bit nauseous. And I'm part of the problem.

-12.5 kgs
0 words
Reading: 'Set The Boy Free'

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