
You know how I said yesterday that I'd save Arnside for a sunnier day...

The issue I have at the moment - which, I appreciate, is hardly earthshaking -  is that Dan and Abi tend to sleep in when they can. Like *really* sleep in. And this week, Abi was tired after her sleepover on Friday, and, as Dan works Saturdays, today was his only lie in.

So, this morning, I woke up, made coffee, had a read, made some breakfast, lit the fire, recorded the radio show, and was still on my own when it had gone midday. 

And then when they did get up, they wanted breakfast, which left us in an awkward position later in the afternoon when they felt ready for lunch. This is the point at which I suggested going out to Arnside for a bite. On arrival, we saw the jazz café, which Dan fancied on account of its name, but that was closed, so we continued to the seafront, where we braved the drizzle for a walk on the little pier (see extra photo) before making our way into a café...

... which announced it was closing in a few minutes, so in the end we headed home for beans on toast!

-11.6 kgs
0 words
Reading:  'Set The Boy Free'

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