
The Minx and I took ourselves across to Clitheroe, today, for a bit of a mooch but also so I could buy a couple more bits and pieces for Hannah's birthday, next week. 

I think it'd be easy to drive through the town centre and dismiss it, but actually there are loads of nice shops and tearooms (we need to come back and assess the pubs), as well as the castle.

My two favourite places, today, were Brizola Bar and Grill, where we had an amazing lunch, and The Time Train, a shop full of collectibles, which is one of those places where you might look at an old toy and think "HOW MUCH?!" while the person next to you is reaching for their money. They also had a room full of vinyl, which didn't much interest me, and another crammed with clothes, the pricing policy for which is my photo, today.

In the evening, we went over to the school with the miniMinx in tow, to see the production of 'Chicago', in which Dan plays a policeman and various roles in the chorus. It's an extraordinary show to put on, to be honest, with demanding music, singing, dancing, and acting. And it was mindblowingly good. I think it's the best thing I've seen at school and I'd have been delighted had I seen this at the theatre. 

-16.8 kgs Now *that's* an outlier!
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Reading: 'Manchester Stories'

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