Thurrs Been a Murrr-durrr

It's been a beautiful day of sunshine, and plenty of blue skies.  The odd shower passed now and again, but never heavy.  A fine calm clear night.

I've had a day working in the museum office.  I've been plodding through more old photos from the 1970s and the oil era.  After tea, I headed back to town, and there was a metal detector talk in our museum store.  A good turn out from the club, and they were showing us other things to look out for whilst digging, and I'll have to dig out my metal detector again.  Off to work in the pub later. 

With the fine day, I headed down the road for a lunchtime walk.  This is the old lime kilns, built in 1784, and still in use until the 1930s.  This was the main production of lime in Shetland, and at it's height, it employed 10 men.  The kilns came into fame last week, when there was a murder here, and the body of a woman found.  It was in the Shetland crime drama, and can't wait for the next episode tonight.  Taken at Fladdabister.  

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