La Rocca

For work, today, I attended a meeting at Royal Preston Hospital. With it being a work thing, I don't really want to go into much detail here but what I will say is that despite all of the underfunding and (unjustified) complaints about the NHS, the clinicians I saw today were all absolutely brilliant and very clearly committed to doing the best job possible. It was really inspiring. 

After that I went for a swim and then took the Minx out for a meal at La Rocca, which is not too far from her house. It's a cracking little restaurant and we're going there often enough that when we went upstairs and bagged our favourite table the maître d' followed us upstairs with our usual bottle of wine. (To be clear, I'm not saying this reflects well on us.)

The food there is consistently good and as I'd been for a swim, I thought I'd indulge in a pizza, which was quite delicious. Guys, WOULD RECOMMEND.

-14.4 kgs
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Reading: 'Lincoln In The Bardo'

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