Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A bitter pill

Or two. When I saw the GP today his eyes widened. “That’s a big one” he said then got out his biro and drew on my arm. “If the infection reaches your elbow we’ll have to send you to hospital and give you intravenous antibiotics on a drip”. He made it sound like a prize for winning a race.

We talked a bit of shop, he’s one of those doctors who we know professionally. Then I went home to a bit more work and curry and an early night. But tired; was awake for three hours in the middle of the night and it caught up with me (but at least I got time to chat to The Girl Racer).

Feeling quite reflective tonight. Maybe because this time of year is so symbolic of change. Five years ago today, for instance, we were “celebrating” the last round of big changes to the NHS ... https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2879717

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