Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Shoe testing

Steps 4,175; 2.8km.

Gosh, I can’t get used to the new times! I'm still on the old time, which means I’m rather later at the gym. Mind you, it's much less busy at 11am.

Plenty of sunshine today, so Archie and I were dropped up the hill by JR, who then drove off to do shopping. I decided to walk on round through the Hermitage, testing my new shoes. (They're good!) We met lots of dogs and dog owners, including Sammy and Rosie, a couple of schnauzers we often bump into. And we met a woman with SIX big labradoodle-type dogs. Costs her £200 every couple of months for grooming. I suggested she buy clippers and do it herself.

I came across this nice stone seat, and, inspired by TML's tale of selfies with the timer on her phone, I propped my phone up on a handy wall, and scampered staggered over in time. Though I had to have several goes... (Extra).

We were both I was tired by the time we reached the other end of the Hermitage, so we got the bus home.

PS Rufus is famous!

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