Ready to Slide

What kind of Grandpa am I that I forgot to mention Merrick's birthday yesterday? For shame...for shame. Maybe it's because we are having a party on Tuesday night.

The little man is now officially into his terrible 2's. I was all prepared to post some diving ducks until we took Merrick to the playground. It was windy and cold, but he kept his hat on pretty good...only tossing it once.

He is over for a Saturday night sleepover. His parents are going to a Halloween party, and we didn't think he should have to see his Dad as a witch doctor, and his mother as a voodoo doll. So...we picked him up early.

He is a little too small for this equipment...but he thinks he's big. What a climber he is. Fearless.

He is both a bundle of energy, and a bundle of joy. Fun to watch. Some other shots of the boy, and some bird shots are on my Flickr Page. Have a look. I really like the first one...entitled TAILLIGHT.

P.S. You can really tell we are grandparents. Both the Tigers and Michigan are and football. But...we're watching Curious George, and Clifford, the Big Red Dog.'s funny...I don't even care.

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