
Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with my job. But if it does have a downside, it's that it's not easy to tell when I'm going to be busy. And this can make planning holidays a bit like a game of battleships: I plan in the holidays and then it's just a matter of seeing whether work lands on the dates I've taken off. 

Fortunately, the Minx is super-supportive about this. 

This morning, then, once I'd been out for a run, I found myself with quite a lot to do (mostly emails and phone calls but, you know, still work). And that was OK, the kids were either asleep (Dan) or mucking about in their room (Abi and the miniMinx). But then it dragged into the afternoon.

On the upside, it was sunny out. The forecast that had shown rain for the week had been unduly pessimistic and so the Minx took the kids out to mooch around Looe and by four o'clock I was able to join them in the café overlooking the beach. 

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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