
I only meant to watch the wedding to see the dress - but then got captivated and watched the whole event! I'm not a fan of the Royal Family but I'm not going to be a kill joy on this particular day and go into all the reasons why! I loved the flowers, the walk the guests all had to make to the chapel, the cellist, the choir and the happy couple. I adored the Bishop - and seeing the faces of the royal family as he spoke! I loved how the two looked at each other steadily as they made their vows with sincerity. I didn't love how the royal family studiously seemed to ignore looking at them as if it would be intrusive or that it was rather embarrassing - so much proper decorum! I wondered at George and Amal sitting up front - had to google why - seems Amal has become a great friend of hers - will be interesting to see if the two develop some project together in the future. 
I was most peeved we couldn't watch the breakfast and evening do - after all, we probably paid for the event! But all in all it was the best royal wedding and dress -  it felt very meaningful, real and so personal and reflective of the two.  New life and energy injected into The firm I guess, and so they continue to reign over us! 
P.S. Does anyone else think Princess Eugenie was the worst dressed of the lot?!

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