
An early morning walk through the Tamar Trails woods. Only 2 other cars in the car park so I thought I'd be in for a peaceful walk. Wrong! Oscar went running down a path to the right and disappeared - and then came bouncing through the bluebells further down the main path ....with a bloody paw. He'd torn his dew claw again. We carried on and suddenly off he went again - out of sight. I called him and used my whistle and carried on down the path after him when I heard a man shouting "Get away!" I carried on calling and walked with more urgency and to my relief he came running up the path towards me. By now my nerves were in shreds! I caught up with the shouty man and called out to him but he  didn't want to know - he looked back then walked on. Unfortunatly up the path I had wanted to take! So I took another route and when I felt it was safe let Oscar off again. He was fine till he went under a wire fence, just 3 horizontal lines. He came back but nearly got his legs caught coming back through the fence! For the rest of the walk he was son his lead! 
 In the carpark - which was now full!- I met  the  parents who lost their child last year. We had a good chat and they said they were looking to move to Tavistock which would be great. 
Once home I washed oscars paw and wrapped a bandage around it. I had thought he'd done the same claw but no he'd torn the other one! Vets again tomorrow! 

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