Today’s task

After church and a visit to the elderly aunt, who wanted to sit out in the sunshine, I headed to the house.

While away in Glasgow there had been significant progress with laying paving at the side of the house. So much so that I could start moving the old slabs from the back garden to re-use at the front.

It was a glorious day. Even in the shade it felt warm. 2 slabs at a time on a little trolley and a few hours later 60 plus slabs were moved along with other heavy blocks.

The strength of the sun was deceptive and despite factor 30 then 50 I am looking a bit beetroot like. As usual it is not burning and if all goes to plan it will turn brown tomorrow/ Tuesday.

Back a bit stiff now though.

The evening involved the AGM of the hospital radio station I have been involved with for 45 years. Then back to the temporary flat to catch up on the matches i missed. Good day of sport for England in a number of sports so we’ll done them.

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