Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Bike ✖️ Gave it a miss this morning. And will do until I meet up with my surgeon again, hopefully soon.

The haar was with us this morning, and stayed all day. So it was cold, though the sun should return tomorrow. But it was sunny enough for a washing to be hung out, and lunch to be eaten outside. We're keen on wraps, filled with whatever is in the fridge, but always including carrots. Archie LOVES carrots, so he pays very close attention to the ever-decreasing wrap. Now and again, I will pull out a little orange bit, very slowly, and chuck it for him.

Jordan came to pick Archie up and they had a big walk through the Hermitage. He was grubby before he went (Archie, not Jordan), and came home even grubbier, so the scheduled wash and blow dry was well worth it.

I nipped crawled across town in the car to collect our mats, which we'd accidentally left in the old car. The traffic!! I'd hate to have to get across town on a daily basis. The new car has the rather unnerving habit of cutting out when stopped at traffic lights, but I eventually got used to the 'eco' function. Those automatic folding side mirrors still delight me - I'm easily pleased.

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