Too Hot!

Watering on the allotment for a couple of hours after opening the hens. There are massive cracks opening up in the ground it is so dry. I'd noticed the previous day how the roads were beginning to melt under the heat. I  later read an article about how the gritters were out  "dusting down" as the bitumen melted in the 60c  + temperatures of the roads! My back garden thermometer has been going over 40C!We are due thunderstorms over the weekend and I so hope they come! If I'm not watering on the allotment I'm watering my front and back garden!
I did my first picking of the curly and Russian kale! Then amassed a posy of the flowers on my allotment - I always think they look so much nicer before they are "arranged" in a vase! 
Rest of the day spent quietly as the heat was just intense and I'd had another restless night despite having moved to a cooler bedroom. Not helped by the fact Milkshake has decided she likes me in this room and will insist on sleeping with me - I'm not sure who is disturbing whom most during the night! 
Back to the allotment in the evening for more watering and hen bedtime - the heat of the day hadn't really dissipated.  Still us English are never happier than when complaining about the weather! No-one I have met has been ecstatic about our heatwave - but them most of the people I've met have been fellow allotments! Thankfully no fires on the moors as there is up north.

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