Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Good news!

Robert the building surveyor came around with his magic measuring machine and had a look at our set up, and what we wanted/hoped for. And it wasn’t what he'd drawn up, but then, he only knew half the story. JR had drawn a different plan, and it was so good he took a photo of it and will do a proper drawing.

We want: An extra window in the kitchen, by removing the shower and wall.
Remove the bath and put a shower in that footprint.
Move the washing machine to the extra space in the kitchen under the window, thereby gaining loads of space in the larder.

It’s not quite what we wanted, but this way, there are fewer permissions/building warrants needed, it will cost much less and will be less disruptive. Bingo!

Jordan came to take Archie out while Robert was here. Apparently Archie went into a deep part of the river and couldn’t get out! He gave a wee pathetic cry so that Jordan clambered across stones to get to the other side and grab him!

I popped to see Uncle A in the afternoon and catch up on his news. He seemed suitably impressed with the new car. Which is more or less the same as the old car, but white.

Later, Anne came round bearing good news. No - great news! She had been for an interview in her home town in USA for a fantastic job, and she got it! Well done Anne!

Archie gave her some kisses.

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