An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Banana Bread Heaven...

Once I got Alan out to school this morning and the kitchen tidied up I was on a mission to turn the 4 over-ripe bananas festering in the fruit bowl into something much more appetising.

And Tah-dah......HERE'S what I ended up with.....2 deliciously soft and moist banana loaves with a crunchy demerara sugar topping. One for eating now and one for the freezer. I could weep when I think of all the bananas I have thrown out over the years when I could have been making these!!!

Next time I'm going to use the same recipe but chuck in some choc chips and make muffins instead. *slavers*

The whole house smells divine and having done my chores for the day (well till the boy gets in from school) I am now sitting with a cuppa and a large slice of banana loaf slathered with Lurpak (!) and looking forward to a bit of a blip catch up.

Who said Monday's were rubbish?! ;-)))

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