The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


That's how my arm feels after holding the board aloft for an hour or so. The lighting arrangements in this house-sit are not up to my strict puzzling requirements!

The rain woke me at about 5am, and then Bomble made a few entrances...I got up rather late considering I had to get to market via the house-sit cat's place. My eyes felt dry and shrunken in my skull. I really did have too much sun yesterday.

Market in Nailsworth was good enough, despite rain showers and occasional gusts of wind that sent my stock flying! I enjoy talking to holidaymakers. Back home, I had a little rest, finished reading my novel, started another.
Steve and I got dressed to go to a garden party, then found we were wearing almost identical sweaters (yes, sweaters. I wore covered shoes, too)!

The party is a collaboration between three terraced households that have interconnecting gardens. When it rained, we sheltered under gazebos or went into one of the houses. I spoke to a variety of people, some friends and some people that I only see once a year at this party! The food was excellent.

Steve and I left early, and went our separate ways, he back to.Bowbridge and Bomble, and I to the Ginger Tom and the TV. The jigsaw is now finished, and another one has been left out for me by the ginger Tom's thoughtful owner.

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