It Takes A WOman's Touch

Or in this case - a woman's gas cooker lighter.

We were round at H's 60th birthday BBQ this afternoon and despite the promise of really hot weather (they lied - again) it clouded over and got decidedly chilly. (No he wasn't say Grace)
So the propane gas heater was brought out and we got to see how many  men it took not to manage to light it (it was actually at least 6). Then Mrs H turned up with the lighter ……… then it took about 3 seconds.
(My suggestion that the ignition unit was goosed had been poo-pooed. I guess I was right).
Before all that hilarity posh  sunglasses had been the order of the day.

There was lots of fun and laughter, much catching up and gossiping and far too much food (and drink no doubt - but I was driving and SWBO still wasn't right so we were not partaking in that side of things) but we didn't stay as long as we would have liked due to SMBO's continuing migraine.

I have no idea if H has opened the box I gave him as a fun present but I will need to explain it to him at some point.
I was making him a small box   in fancy wood and horn and during the process of waxing it I placed a small spinning top make of Pink Ivory on top of it. It sat rather nicely - so I made an alternative lid  so that he can keep the top in it …. or have it as a traditional box for cuff links etc.

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