The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Sair Bum

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I went to see Jason Byrne tonight and he was hilarious. Often, I get a bit bored watching comedians. It takes quite a lot for me to be impressed with a stand up. This is obviously nothing to do with my short attention span and everything to do with the fact that my friends are all very sharp and funny people. I know it’s completely different but I can laugh far more chatting to them for an hour than at a show.

This show was different. I was properly belly laughing. A big part of the show was about the changes in parenting from his childhood to today’s ‘snowflake generation’. He spoke about getting smacked as a child and trying to protect his @rse with his hands which was engaging his mother even more. It was exactly what I did. It was all sonnirmal at the time! I also used to play the slightly dangerous game of refusing to cry and announcing that it didn’t hurt. Then there was the time that I was acting up and my
Dad asked if I wanted a smacked bum. ‘Yes’, I answered trying to be smart. I felt significantly less clever when I was granted my wish!

I came out of the show remembering little bits and chucking for ages. I am going to take The Eldest Mini Princess. It’s still slightly too old for The Youngest Mini Princess. Not sure I can have her thinking that I find the c-bomb funny. Yet!


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