
Today was a day that was busy but gentle too. It was just a day of London tourist. Our first stop was St Helens Bishopsgate for morning church. We met a friend I know via Instagram and her children.

After church, we made a quick visit to “Diagon Alley” and the “entrance to the Leaky Cauldron”- the little opticians in leadenhall market must be the most photographed opticians in the country!

We then got onto the DLR and headed for our first visit to Greenwich. We wandered round Queens House, we had an explore up to the Observatory. Of course, we had our photo taken on different hemispheres (and Katie had hers doing the splits across the hemispheres!). We spent quite a long time sat on the hill enjoying the incredible views across the city.

Our next stop of the afternoon was the ice cream cart & a play in the water outside the Maritime Museum. We managed to do all the children’s areas of the museum before they closed. We then walked to the Cutty Sark and a neighbouring food market. She had cannoli and vegetable spring rolls as we had a look round the outside of the ship. We stumbled across the entrance to the tunnel so we decided to follow it. It was rather exciting journeying under the Thames and coming up to see the amazing sights we’d been sat in just before!

We managed to get to the front of DLR on the way back and Katie loved “driving” it!

Another fantastic London day!

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