Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jersey Day Two

It was all go in the Jersey household this morning. Anne and JR set off on their first day of the Coastal Walk - from Devil's Hole to St Ouen's Bay. This was further than they had anticipated they'd do, but they were going well, with a coffee stop at Grève de Lecq, that they kept going to Big Vern's Cafe half way along the beach, where we picked them up after they had their reward cake. (24,317 steps, 14.3km, 5 hours walking).

Bob went off to golf, and I took the bus into bus into town. A coffee, croissant and a read of my Kindle, followed by a delicious Jersey ice cream, and I was ready to come back.

The next part, tomorrow's walk is being considered. It's flat, so I should be able to join in! Though there's no way I could walk for five hours with just cake as a reward...

Glad not to be in Edinburgh today while Storm Ali wreaked havoc. Wendy and Archie lay low for the day.

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