The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Girl Power

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I have been getting the bus to work for the last couple of weeks. There is a group of boys, aged about 14/15 who sit at the back of the bus. They are load, sweary and full of alpha chat about how they don’t take any sh1t from anyone and that no one ‘dominates’ them. There is also a lot of lying boasting about the girls who are DESPERATE to go out with them...

‘She TOTALLY fancies me’

‘’She does not. She thinks you’re a total d1ck’’

‘She does. Look, she put a winky face emoji on her last text’

Then, as the bus approaches Marchmont, they all turn into excited meerkats, craning their necks to look out of the window.

They break into a chorus of ‘is she there, is she there?’ before the palpable relief of ‘SHE’S THERE. She’s getting on’

And a very pretty girl, a couple of years older than them gets on the bus. She strides up to the back of the bus, without making eye contact and sits right next to them.

The transformation is incredible. Their heads go down and the lairy lads, full of bravado, turn into timid church mice. They don’t utter another word until they get off the bus and a wry smile crosses her face.

She ABSOLUTELY knows the effect she is having and she owns it.

And they don’t know that she knows.

And it makes me laugh. A lot!


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