
By AlrightFlower

Woo hoo!

Managed to find the courier company depot today, so I finally have my nephew's Christmas present. It looks really cool, I so hope he likes it :-)

Now I just need to find my bathroom tiles. I got a call yesterday to say someone was at my house to deliver, but had forgotten to ring first. How long would it take me to get home? Que?? It's the middle of the day, and I'm at work 20 miles away! I'll leave them round the back, he said. Right, Over £100 worth of tiles, in my garden, in the pouring rain. No, I don't think so. Ok, he said, I'll take them back to the depot and they might ring you to rearrange delivery. Might??

No call from them, so tomorrow I'll email the company I bought the tiles from and see what they can tell me!

Anyway, never mind all that crap. Had two lovely catch-ups with friends today - Dave and Chris. Dave was delivering my birthday presents on behalf of himself and his good lady, who is off to foreign climes in the morning, so we sat in the corridor at work and had a bit of a natter. We were right outside the cafe, we really should've gone in!

Then I met Chris for coffee in the afternoon - she very kindly stood me a skinny chai latte (mmmmm, thanks Chris!) but she was still feeling a bit sloshy from soup and coffee at lunchtime, so refrained!

More gifts were handed over too - I feel a bit like a kid at Christmas again, it's so lovely to see how thoughtful people have been. As a family, we don't really go in for birthday gifts, so I have to rely on my friends to think of me - I'm never disappointed :-)

And she might even come to New York with me this time next year (go on Chris, you know you want to - I'll buy you hand warmers. One for each hand!!)

All in all, a really good day!


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