Going up!

I seem to have done something to my shoulder/arm as I can’t raise my arm in certain positions without getting a searing pain down my arm and unfortunately it means I can’t swim.

Anja, one of our physios at work had a look yesterday and thinks it’s an impingement of the tendon, so this morning I telephoned our medical insurers who have approved treatment. I have to have a call with the Nuffield tomorrow to discuss the best course of treatment, but I’m going to push to be sent back to Annabel as after about 18 months of treatment, she’s the one that seems to have cured my Achilles tendinitis with the acupuncture. So this call is booked in for 8am tomorrow morning.

It was 17 degrees and sunny this morning, and as I couldn’t swim, I decided to go to the outdoor pool anyway and I jogged up and down for 40 lengths - I think that was actually harder than swimming the same distance!

This afternoon I caught the bus into town but got off near the Palace Pier and walked along the seafront to work which is about 2 miles. I was hoping to see the bubble man, but it was breezy again, and although he was there, he was lay sunbathing on the beach instead of creating bubbles for me to Blip! I sat and waited for a while in the hope that he might start but he didn’t and I had to go, otherwise I’d have been late.

Meanwhile I saw the i360 going up so I snapped this shot as I thought it looked quite summery with all the people sat outside eating lunch.

Work has been busy, I’m just about finished, and Alan’s just arrived to pick me up so I’ll go and lock up.

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