A confused genius

By Lez11

Wolves ay we

I spent this morning cleaning, ironing and giving my fish tank a dam good scrub. I even took the filter to pieces and cleaned that out to.

I went shopping to tesco at 9am on a Sunday morning! Granted I couldn't buy anything until 10am when the tills opened. I got a few more Christmas present, bottles of wine and champagne.

I then went to go out doors with my sister and niece to buy my neice some winter clothes for Christmas. We then went to the wolves club shop and my sister got my niece Emily to run around the club shop shouting wolves with her hands in the air as though she had scored a goal. I brought me a wolves top for the gym, a snowman wearing a wolves top, wolves flights for my darts and my mom a jar of liquorice torpedoes with a wolves badge on the jar. The thing is my moms an Albion fan so she will hate the jar but she will have to eat the torpedoes as they are her favourite. We then took Emily for a walk around the molineux (pic).

I watched the finale of the F1 season this afternoon and it was one of the best races of the season. I was gutted for lewis Hamilton but I hope next season ends up being as good as this season.

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