The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

King Of The Swingers

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Mary Doll and Victor came for lunch today. It is Victor’s birthday tomorrow and The Eldest Mini Princess asked Mary Doll (out of earshot) what she was giving Victor.

She said that she is giving him the fairly boring present of a jacket but that she has a great idea for Christmas...

‘I’m going to get him a turntable’

Me: ‘Ok, has he mentioned wanting one?’

MD: ‘No but they are right back in’

Me: ‘Did you still have your old vinyls stored somewhere?’

MD: ‘No, but I we used to have the Jungle Book LP. I could try to get him that’

Me: ‘The Jungle Book? MY Jungle book LP from when I was five?’

MD: ‘Yes, he loves the Jungle Book’

That part is true. Victor does like The Jungle Book. It was always his ‘drunk film’. He used to come in from the pub and put it on if he was p1ssed*. However, I’m not sure that he is going to appreciate a new sound system to listen to the soundtrack. He doesn’t even listen to music. Oh, and he has the Jungle Book on DVD and the soundtrack on CD!

Can’t wait for Christmas Day. We can listen to the Jungle Book on repeat.

I suppose it’s better than the nasal hair trimmer she bought him one year.


*Right before falling asleep and waking up at the end.

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