Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

On memories lane

There are certain things that bring memories flooding back from childhood, sand between your toes, chocolate around your mouth and at this time of the year...pulling your scarf (knitted by your Granma of-course!) tightly around your neck. I had the most lovely blue scarf given to me one Christmas by my Mum's Mum, it was so soft, warm and filled with the tenderness that she exuded. I liked my scarf but it fell amongst the mundane presents that year...Action Man....he was king then!

Today the frost has bitten into everything, my scarf would have been valuable now. Although my feet were blocks of ice this morning I loved my cycle ride in (despite my gear cable freezing!!!!), the air so still and clear. It will give my yearly traditional read of 'A Christmas Carol' a nice atmosphere if it remains cold. It has long been my habit of reading this fine tale of redemption and soul saving on the first of December, my little worn copy, which I bought from the market book seller so many years ago, has been retired to the library and I now have a less loved hardy version. I now know how many pages I can read daily to deposit me at the end on Christmas Eve, with the swelling of love for my fellow travellers along life's road reaching its pinnacle with my Christmas Eve dinner party and the warm company of much loved friends.

So pull your scarves tight....get your gloves on....and have a walk with old Jack Frost today...for surely....Tis the Season!

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