Dig dig digging

We have achieved lots today! Nappies and towels washed and dried, citrus tea prepared, fence panels bought and installed to replace the ones brought down by the gales at the weekend, poo collected from the boys' digging patch, and much digging done (I believe a brick was buried as well, which should make for an exciting discovery one of these days), all bits parcelled up and a trip to the post office, and a lovely roast dinner cooked by Steve in the evening as well! A slight aside is that after getting back from the post office and hunting yet again for my lino cut (lost! sob) I found the notification for Charley's booster vaccinations. Which should have been today. Oops. I'm not sure whether I need to phone them to rebook or if we'll automatically get offered another appointment.

Steve and I should have been getting on with stuff in the evening after the boys went to bed (like, going to bed ourselves, and sleeping) but we decided a better way to spend the evening would be Masterchef on the tv, wine, hot chocolate, and snuggles :) And it was still lovely to just snuggle even when the smallest sofa-invader joined us and ended up snoring two inches away from my face!

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