Today I was up and out early... 11.30am ....unheard of :D
I had meat sweats from last nights over eating session and I ate a whole giant box of After Eight mints... not the actual box,the contents !
Took Eve and her friend Erin into town to look for some ball shoes for Eve as it is her first ever Christmas ball at school next Saturday night,she spied a pair tried them on and said 'these are the ones I want' 30% off ...BISH BASH BOSH all over and done and paid for in about 7 minutes... I like shopping with Eve ;)
Met Smalla (aka DDLC) and Boggyeye* in town we had a coffee and a muffin and then a good mooch around the shops....... we were all on a bit of a high from a good onsie party last night......Manthy bear made us a fantastic pass the parcel and I got a BRILLIANT mascara :D
Quote of the night goes to Annie Lennox (real name Ma'Julie) with the words...'fuck off it's mine'..... as we wanted to see her prize.... bad Ma'Julie...
Had a lazy afternoon and that is it really ....
*Boggy so called as our dear and very beautiful friend Nikki had cancer of her EYE... she is brave brave brave as she has many operations and lives in almost constant pain from one to the next... so please raise one's glass this evening to Boggy and say very loudly... 'TO BOGGY..' she will like that,I know this ;)
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