Just the Withers......

By JaneW

True fact,I like ribbons very much...

I enjoy wrapping presents for people and I like to find ribbons to match to certain gift wrap for a specific idiot human.So anyhow here is one on a little tree I purchased today for the kitchen diner area.......
it rained this morning on our dog walk,so I think we have now established that Sadie also hates rain and being wet....... that now makes all three dog's who avoid puddles and don't want to be out if it starts raining... fine by me ! :D
Mind you the rain was bloody freezing.........
Came home did some tidying and 'stuff' then Moon,Smalla and I went to fetch the baby tree (it is a real one in a pot,I hope to put it in the garden and keep it for next year... ??? ) and we all brought some Christmas tatt too......

Now look,I FULLY appreciate some people do not like Christmas... that is fine as fine can be,I don't ram it down anyones throat that I adore it,but likewise if you DON'T like it then fuck off and go bitch elsewhere it is not really fair to impose misery upon my views now is it..... It's a bit like religion.... I am neither one thought or another so I don't ever want to be preached at... I shall tell you all now I will be doing many a festive blip as this is my journal and I shall not take offence to people not being interested if Christmas is not their bag baby ...... non at all :D
Ok mini rant done xxxx

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