Happy Christmas!

Alan and I took the boys out for a walk this morning while mum stayed in the apartment, and we hadn’t gone far before we saw that the market was on. So we finished our walk and went back to get mum.

We enjoyed mooching round the stalls and bought a box of macarons, then we wandered through town and towards the beach. I wanted to walk along the beach, but we decided it would be better to go later without mum - only because of the distance, but we did go down onto the beach for a selfie next to the palm tree. Shame we didn’t take our coats off as we could have fooled you into thinking we’re somewhere tropical ;-)

We wandered back through town and had lunch at the apartment before we went back out. It was lovely because it was low tide and the sun was starting to go down, and the beach was really busy. We walked for about a mile in search of some sculptures that weren’t there, and then wandered back into town where we stopped for a cheeky glass of wine. Then home to cook our Christmas Eve dinner and guess who we bumped into? The big man himself who was in town giving sweets to the children, and he kindly agreed to have his photo taken with me.

I sensibly decided to get an alternative to the Pintade, and bought Souris D’Agneau (lamb), that I could cook in the microwave. Good job I did because it took about 3 hours to cook the roast potatoes in the ‘combi oven’! Anyway, we eventually had dinner, pulled the crackers, wore the crowns and read the silly jokes, and we had one table present each. A very nice Christmas Eve, hope yours is as good!

One sleep!

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