Christmas Eve

If, like me, you have a history of doing things at the last minute, then the sensation of being well-prepared can be an odd one. All I had left to do today was wrap a couple of presents, deliver one of them, and then spend the evening with the Minx.

I popped down to the Post Office first thing to pick up three parcels and was alarmed to find that not one of them was Dan's present, although I'd had a notification of delivery. One call to Amazon's impressive customer service later and a replacement was on its way, although arriving after Christmas :-(

But something was bugging me. I was sure the delivery notification had come through on Saturday. There had been a couple of deliveries that day, one of which we thought was some stuff Dan had ordered. The box was still in his room, unopened. Inside was his present! Relief! (So then I had to phone and cancel the replacement.)

All that drama completed, along with the wrapping, I drove out to deliver the present to Chris's son, which was one of the ones at the Post Office, and then I headed down to Chorley to swim before the Minx, miniMinx, and I went for dinner at the little, Italian restaurant around the corner from her house. 

We had a lovely evening. It has to be said that we do go there rather often, so we know the staff quite well and this evening they absolutely spoilt us. (I am going to have to exercise every day this week to keep my weight in check!)

Today's picture is of Tux again. He is my muse!

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Reading: 'The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook' by Michael Brooks

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