Its Over.......

....For me (being a bit of a grinch) the best thing about Christmas is the tree.
It was a sad thing to take it down today........the  space that the colourful sparkly thing dominated in the landscape of our lounge room is now dull and lifeless in comparison.
There was a joke going around that a woman just wrapped her tree up in gladwrap so it was ready for next year...I thought that was kinda sad really.

I mean how could one not enjoy lovingly caressing and enjoying for one last moment the memories or the association that each and every decoration brings...especially the special ones.......ones the boy has made out of paddle pop sticks or the handmade red felt heart that opens with a message in side from my daughter...there are those that we get from Scotland (quite a collection now) and some we have had for many years.

I had to take a pic of these today....for some reason I just love them...they feel nice to touch and have a weight about them that is just perfect.....(very tactile)...and the light on the silver was just was hard to put them in the Christmas box....but we will enjoy them and ooooh and ahhh over them next year all over again.

Yes was all so romantic the warm and fuzzy feelings and memories and chatting about this and that.....until the BLOODY LIGHTS. That is when the air turned blue.......trying to get those things untangled .....getting spiked by branches of the tree.....getting glitter all over me...was not fun....I broke out into a hot sweat........swore myself hoarse until Jaiya took over and I put the kettle on.
I do have to say that Beetle did not eat any of the glittery pears this fact the monsters were rather well behaved around the tree except for the cat opening a few of the pressies and eating the paper....Happy Days.

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