Luck made!
I must confess, I felt a little ambivalent about my run, this morning. It was grey and misty outside, while the house offered warmth and coffee. But, you know, it wasn't raining or particularly cold, so I had my protein drink and gradually readied myself to go out.
Running down towards Devil's Bridge, the mist seemed to thicken and I resigned myself to an unscenic run out to Barbon. And yet, four miles later, as I turned east along Barbondale, there was a hint of blue sky ahead and half a mile later I stopped to take this photo.
There is some truth in the saying that you make your own luck: I was fortunate to be here just at this moment but I wouldn't have been if I hadn't gone out into the unprepossessing mists in the first place.
Actually, this run out along Barbondale, down to the bridge and back along the other side is my favourite stretch of any of the runs that I do. It's usually pretty solitary, too, but this morning, as I ran back through the woods to Barbon, I encountered several groups of walkers coming the other way. It was rather nice to have some people to say "Good morning" to :-)
The Minx was already busy decorating when I got back - the room looked amazing when she'd finished - so I tidied the kitchen, put the washing on, lit the fire and settled down to record the radio show*.
*Parts one and two
-11.0 kgs
Reading: 'This Naked Mind' by Annie Grace
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