Life In Wales

By KarenC

Hula Hooping

Alan phoned the garage this morning and they told him to take the car in, although they couldn't promise to look at it today, but as we're going to London tomorrow, it's better that it's with them.  I followed him in the other car to bring him back, and he sent a message to work to explain that he'd need to work from home today.

I'd arranged to take Chrissy and Alison to Nymans National Trust this morning, but in light of the car problems we changed our plans and arranged to meet for a walk along the undercliff.  We met at Whitecliffs Cafe and I had a hot chocolate, before setting off and we walked all the way to the marina and back which is about 6 miles.  It was a lovely morning, quite grey, but very still and not too cold and it was great to walk while we caught up on each other's news.

On the way back we spotted this girl on the beach doing all sorts of amazing things with her hula hoops, so we watched and took photos and then clapped when she finished.  I love the variety of things we come across on our beaches.

We finished our walk at 1pm and then I headed into town as I needed to go to the railway station to sort out our tickets for tomorrow, and then I had an appointment with Stephanie who does my nails, as I only had them done just over a week ago, and a few of them have chipped.  Anyway, she re-did them for me at no cost, so hopefully they'll last a bit longer now.

I've not gone to zumba tonight and Alan decided not to go to his shooting club, so we've got everything ready for our weekend away and will probably have an early night as we'll be up and out early tomorrow.  It's funny, because we're going away tomorrow, it feels like a Friday night tonight!

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