Festive coffee......
A good excuse to use the stencils ....
Had a huge dog walk with Tit's McGee and the dogs,we went to fetch Bobby as Wiggy had a night out last night and has been unwell .... this is as a result of mixing red,white and rosé wine...... also going to bed at 3am ... she stank..... we sang high pitched Christmas songs to her and she flinched,the ungrateful trogg.
Came home faffed about stripping beds and popping some washing on and then had to lie down ....then had a bit more lie down... and maybe a little bit more.
Then we had our evening meal,Tit's brought Eve home and we had a quick coffee,she took the piss out of my white gaudy tree (I like Christmas tatt) I swore at her and she went home as Flora phoned to tell her that their tree had fallen over.. HA.HA.HA.. serves you right for not enjoying my beast of a tree.
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