The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Short Changed

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

In a chat with one of my colleagues today, he told me that his dad has a UTI and how UTIs can make older people very confused.

A few years ago, my Granny (who was a bit bonkers at the best of times) was in hospital and during her stay, developed a UTI. Mary Doll went to visit and the nurse warned her that she had had some imaginary visitors.

My Granny indignantly told MD that she had woken in the middle of the night and there was a man sitting in the chair by her bed.

Granny (pointing): Right there. He was sitting RIGHT THERE and do you know what he asked me?

MD (feeling slightly wary): Erm, no.


MD (feeling relieved): Oh

Granny: So I told him that I don’t have a pound and do know what the cheeky beggar said?

MD: Mmm?

Granny: He said ‘Well, we’ll just have to have sex instead’. So I just told him, ‘LISTEN SON, these legs can barely walk, never mind THAT’

Thankfully, her medication kicked in quite quickly and she was back to ‘normal.’ And she was quite right, he was a cheeky beggar. Really, a pound? You can’t even buy a decent coffee for that.


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