The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Unwanted Commentary

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I had a day where I got lots of things done. I had that lovely ‘Well done me’ feeling at the end of the day. You now have a bed to sleep in Jenny!

Beautician Lady was round this afternoon doing some maintenance*. She had just come from doing a ‘lady wax’ at Kitty Cat’s and was telling me that Kitty Cat’s youngest son, Wolverine had burst into the room at an inopportune moment and got a bird’s eye view of Kitty Cats’s new ‘hairdo’. Waxing lady was a bit flustered but Wolverine assured her that all was fine - ‘It’s ok. I’ve seen my mum’s vagina before. LOADS of times!’


*eyebrows in case you are feeling unwell!

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