Subs' bench

The less I drink in the evenings, the more I look forward to my mornings: getting up and coming downstairs to make coffee and look out over the Lune Valley. 

I usually have some flowers on the kitchen table and, at this time of year, they are in the pole position for any early morning sunshine. These fellows looked beautiful, this morning. 

That said, this wasn't the photo I wanted, today. The Minx and I had been down to Dudley and, crossing one of the roundabouts, we saw the most amazing statue of a winged horse. This Pegasus had burnished metal wings that looked as though they were on fire on the sunlight and it would have made for a cracking Blip. Sadly, there was nowhere to pull over. Such is life.

Still, I had these flowers in reserve and, d'you know what?, I'm glad they made it off the subs' bench.

-11.5 kgs
Reading: 'Jog On' by Bella Mackie

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