Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Karaoke in the Thai

I spent the morning in the flat catching up on bits n bobs, including some Aptis marking of which I’m way behind what with the Scotland funeral trip and then being internet-less for a few days here. I hope there's enough tests in the system between now and the end of the month to let me fulfil my minimum contract hours. I don't want to lose this contract.

Horror of horror, I realised I'd somehow lost the plastic wallet with the input session notes and handouts for the input session that my usual co-trainer and colleague had kindly lent me for the session I gave on Thursday last week. Both of us are usually very organised and tidy and he joked when he gave it to me that I was one of the very few people he'd lend things to....aaagh. The wallet isn't in my room or my school bag. I think I might have got stopped between the input room and my bag and put the wallet down somewhere. Of course, not having a desk or even a locker doesn't help at all. He was very understanding when I told him and between us we'll be able to get the handouts together again, but it ruined my day. I hate losing things, especially other people's things.

I spent the afternoon and evening in school getting things organised for week 2. This 5 week course is obviously different to a 4 week and I’m so used to giving out certain assignments on certain days etc that I really need to double check everything.

Am now in the Thai restaurant for dinner, where a family is doing karaoke. The lady featured here had a much more pleasant voice than the young teenager in the family! Still, I have to remember I'm the foreigner here!

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