The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Three Birds

Dear O'H dear,

Jenny went out this afternoon to catch up with friends but before she went, she did the garden! The joy of the first weed of Spring being done, the garden looking pretty and I didn’t even have to do it! I’m telling you, it has become even clearer to me that I need a husband AND a wife.

The Prince, Jenny and I went to meet Smashley and Nicely for dinner in Three Birds. We had such a nice evening. Jenny has never met Smashley so it’s nice that my friends can put faces to names. The food and the staff were lovely although most of Smashley’s chat at the end of the evening was harassing me to make brownies for work on Tuesday. He had actually put an appointment in my work calendar - ‘Bring in Brownies’. The Prince jumped on the bandwagon to support Smashley, with the obvious caveat that there are some left at home. That request has been prioritised. It’s right up there along side rewatching Wrath of the Titans.


PS This is Jenny’s picture

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