Langdale Chase

This is the best shot that I took inside Langdale Chase, although my extras show the amazing skylight in our room plus the little 'turret room'. 

After breakfast, we decided to take a drive up to Ambleside and then down around the lake to follow the shoreline as best we could on the far side (we could see Wray Castle from the shore in the hotel grounds) but we were enjoying the drive together so much that south of Hawkshead we struck west and went out to Walney Island.

The miniMinx has a GCSE exam tomorrow morning, so she and the Minx couldn't spend the evening with us, but I did enjoy a birthday curry with Dan, Abi, Charlie, and one of Charlie's friends whom I've known since they were at school together.

All in all, it was a splendid birthday; a good start to being fifty-three!

No scales
Reading: 'Jog On' by Bella Mackie

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