Despite all the craziness, I had a lovely birthday, today. Although we have a few people working from home now and, therefore, a reduced number of colleagues in the office, I still received a card and rather nice looking bottle of wine, and then I had the evening with Dan and Abi, and the Minx and miniMinx.

My presents were all thoughtful and the Minx made a variety of fajitas to cater for the vegetarians and non-vegetarians, chilli-lovers and spice-deniers, plus I had this cake, made by Dan and, according to her account, rescued by Abi. 

Whatever its history, it was delicious and I love the effort they went to with the decoration, particularly the chocolate fingers around the side.

One unexpected present, today, was Izzy's safe return from South Sudan. With all commercial flights suspended it was unclear how she'd get back but she was notified of travel arrangements yesterday afternoon and arrived in Heathrow, this morning. One less thing to worry about!

-9.8 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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