The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

That’s Not A Horse

Dear O'H dear,

Today was ‘Transfer Day’ because Jenny is RUDELY leaving us for a couple of weeks to visit ‘other friends.’ We did threaten to shred her passport but it’s probably best to leave that until her last day.

The transfer location was a cafe called Born In The Borders, which is a cafe near Jedburgh where we had lunch with four of Jenny’s friends. It was a really nice place - very chilled, and Jenny looked really happy to have so many of her people in one place.

My only complaint (other than being cruelly abandoned) was the blatant disregard for rules in the car on the way down. We were happily* playing ‘Horse’ (quite a quick fire game when travelling through the Scottish Borders) when Jenny looked across a field and shouted ‘Donkey, Donkey, Llama, Llama, Llama.’

The Eldest Mini Princess and I were unimpressed. After a brief moment of ‘WTF?’, EMP and I reminded her that the game is called ‘Horse’ FOR A REASON and could we please refrain from
the maverick inclusions of other species. ‘It’s not an elaborate game of Duck, Duck, Goose,’ tutted EMP.

Perhaps she should rewatch Eagle vs Shark for homework.


*except YMP. For some reason she won’t adopt a dodgy Kiwi accent and shout ‘Horse’ every time we spot one.

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