Cigarettes on a bench

This box of cigarettes looked very lonely on that bench. I wondered what was the story behind them, but I never checked if it was full or empty. It must be because I don't smoke.. :)

Off today. I woke up late and I spent a fair amount of time in front of the computer this morning, maybe a bit too much... just feeling very lazy, haha! I had a few things to do though, so I finally moved my bum and started doing them. Can you believe that I had to queue for about half an hour at the post office just to buy a bloody stamp?!!! You can tell it's getting close to Christmas! A man in front of me in the queue actually suggested that there should be a stamp issuing machine. I strongly supported that suggestion, by the way..

Anyway, I went to the gym as well, for the first time in two weeks! See how I feel tomorrow.. and this evening I need to go to Tesco's and buy the ingredients for two birthday cakes I'm making.

Not much more to report really. Off tomorrow again! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars on my happy vendor blip! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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