Hoose Clearances

A calm and dry morning, but the April showers soon started, and rained most of the day.  The wind has also picked up too.

I've been working on the museum desk all day  and a fairly busy day.  The schools are now off for their Easter holidays, and with the poor day, we had plenty of families in.  I was also working with a toddlers workshop first thing.  I managed to get out for a walk with Sammy after tea, and stayed fairly dry.  Mostly a evening with the telly, and then off to work in the pub later. 

I had to return to Fladdabister at lunchtime, as I've lost my phone charger, and it was the last place I saw it.  I retraced my tracks, but no sign, sigh.  However, I did a bit more exploring too.  I was noticing the old houses and outbuildings were looking fresher than normal, and started to investigate.  Grasses outside have been cut, and as I went inside, old elders, honeysuckle and other shrubs have all been cleared.  The old village is looking much better, and even some walls repaired.  There's also old flagstone floors appearing.  Great to see some loving care going back into the abandoned village.  

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