Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Don’t take my stuff

My Easter eggs are safely hidden in a bunker several hundred feet below ground. You can’t be too careful.

Actually they’re on the coffee table in the corner of the living room. This one from TSM looks like something from Area 51; or the pod thing that bought Superman to earth as a baby. Rather like me it has a rounded figure, a flat bottom, and is dark and mysterious. Well the flat bottom bit is about right anyway.

Truth is I wish it could be Easter every day. Much prefer it to Christmas. Better weather apart from anything else, and less pressure. Also more pagan. The Christians just nicked all the old festivals and spun different myths around them. This is the time of rebirth, growth, and the fecund coming. Or to put a modern spin on it, what came first, Easter or the egg? Definitely the egg, the symbol of life. None of that nailing people to crosses business. I always think Jesus had poor PR advice, he should be emerging from something attractive and edible.

Apologies to those of religious sensibilities but I was bought up in a deeply sceptical and left wing environment. Chocolate for the people, that kind of thing.

Hope it tastes as good as it looks.

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