Law Russell House

I decided to have a go at the One Street project, introduced to us by my warm and erudite blipfriend Kendall.

It's a wonderfully simple idea, but I wanted to pick the right street. I live in a somewhat soulless cul-de-sac that wouldn't have really inspired, but then I realised it was staring me in the face - the street which I see almost daily - the street where I work! Strictly speaking this street has two names depending on which bit you're in, but it is a single street :o)

I tagged one of my favourite photos that I took last week, and I'll have a trawl through to see if I've got anymore.

This is Law Russell House, shapely and beautiful, tall and imposing with character from all angles. It has housed a Jobcentre and for a week or two a homeless person on the doorway, but I think it's currently unoccupied. In the dim and distant past it was a warehouse and I will try and find out a bit more detail to expand on.

When the light hits these buildings in the right way they *glow*, but there was no good light today so I gave it some treatment to take it back a few years.

Have a great weekend blippers - I hope it's stress free :o)

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