The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Venting Warning

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I had a tantrum in my head today. I gave up my day off and all the things I love doing on a Friday as work is really busy*.

One of the final things to do depended on someone handing something over to me. I had explained (having gone in early) that I was leaving at 4 but I had allocated the afternoon for this piece of work. Now. you both know that I am never one to criticise someone for having a few beers, but f’ing off to the pub at lunchtime, coming back 3 hours later hammered and not handing over until 3.30 was definitely TAKING THE P1SS.

It took A LOT of self-restraint not to explain my feelings on the matter.

So I didn’t have enough time to finish it, but I left anyway. It’s Friday. I had missed walking my pup, chatting with you LTJ and having the afternoon with The Mini Princesses.

And as soon as I walked in the door, it was all better.


*mainly due to bad planning but that’s another rant.

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